January 15, 2021 |
To Take or Not to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine? |
On December 11th, 2020, Pfizer and BioNTech received an Emergency Use Approval (EUA) from the FDA for their vaccine and people were thrilled. Everyone had been anxiously waiting for a vaccine in hopes of getting back to some form of normalcy once majority of the people got vaccinated. Read more |
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February 15, 2021 |
Should Former President Trump Be Impreached? |
I normally don’t talk about politics since it can turn into a heated discussion. But politically it is getting so bad, I have to speak out about it. Read more |
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March 15, 2021 |
Ending this Pandemic Takes More than Just Getting the Vaccine |
This may seem an obvious statement for those who understand the science. But for the non-scientist or for those who haven’t had a chance to keep up with the science since things change by the minute, there are challenges to ending the pandemic quickly. Read more |
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April 15, 2021 |
Stopping Racism |
Racism of any form whether it be verbal, written or physical must be stopped against any ethnic group. We know there has been a lot of injustice against Blacks/African American, Hispanic/Latinos, and Jewish people, but one ethnic group that has not been noticed for injustice is the Asian American until the pandemic struck. Read more |
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May 15, 2021 |
“Stop Asian Hate” – See Something, Say Something, Do Something |
Violence against Asian Americans had sharply increased in March 2020 as COVID-19 began spreading across the country, and some politicians, including former President Donald Trump, blamed China for the pandemic, said Russell Jeung, chair of the Asian American studies department at San Francisco State University. Jeung created a tool that tracks hate incidents against Asian American Pacific Islander communities called the Stop AAPI Hate tracker. Read more |
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June 15, 2021 |
Getting to Herd Immunity, Greater than 70% Fully Vaccinated Has Slowed: What Approaches Needs to be Taken |
The best way to get the pandemic under control is to get at least 70% of the world fully vaccinated. The CDCs definition of fully vaccinated is 2 shots with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine with 2 weeks post vaccination and one shot with the J&J vaccine with 2 weeks post vaccination. Read more |
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July 2021 |
Why Ransomware Attacks are on the Rise and Are Life Sciences Companies Prepared? |
On May 7th, 2021, American Colonial Pipeline Company (Colonial Pipeline) network, which operates the largest fuel pipeline in the US, was shut-down by a cyber-attack for several days causing fuel shortages and the highest fuel prices in years. Four US states declared a state of emergency. Read more |
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August 2021 |
Why Vaccinated People Need to Wear Masks |
In June 2021, due to the surge of the Delta variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) “urged fully vaccinated people to continue to wear masks, social distance and practice other Covid-19 pandemic safety measures as the highly contagious delta variant spreads rapidly across the globe.” Read more |
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September 2021 |
What’s New in Alzheimer’s Research? |
Alzheimer’s (AD) a form of dementia and other types of dementia are diseases of the aging population. Over 200 clinical trials that focused on eliminating beta amyloid plaque to halt the progression of AD or improve cognitive function have failed. Research in AD and dementia would fluctuate, when preliminary data looked promising, companies would increase their R&D budget for AD research. When data would be negative, companies would focus on other diseases. Read more |
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October 2021 |
An Inside Look in Organizing the AAPI Heritage Festival |
In order to fight against Asian Hate Crimes, we need to do four (4) things: 1) AAPI needs to speak up and report crimes to the police; 2) Build awareness and educate people on where these prejudice, stereotypes and racism originated; 3) Educate people on all the contributions AAPI have made to American History despite prosecution. Many contributions are not written in our history books for elementary, middle or high school; and 4) Start this education in children’s pre-school years in showing that this nation is a multicultural society with people whose heritage comes from all over the world. Read more |
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November 2021 |
Happy Thanksgiving and New Topics |
Thanksgiving is time for reflection on what we are grateful for this year. Since the pandemic, the SARS-Cov2 virus has cost the lives of five million people worldwide and over 700,000 people national wide has made people including myself to really reflect on their life and what is important to them. Read more |
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December 2021 |
Happy Holidays and More News |
With the holidays upon us, I know everyone is very busy trying to get everything done by the end of the year and preparing for the holidays. This month, I decided not have my usual latest scientific/business topic for you, just my holiday greeting and wishes below. Come the New Year, January 2022, I will resume covering the latest topics in my newsletter. Read more |
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